these pics I uploaded a little out of order by accident- sorry!

The above picture is Kakum National Park, near Cape Coast and the Castles and they have this elevated walkway through the forest called the canopy walk- which was both thrilling and beautiful at the came time. You can only sort of tell by this photo how high it really is.
This is the Cape Coast Castle that I wrote about

Ghana literally loves Barack Obama- and Michelle and kids. Especially after his recent visit- anywhere there are signs- there is a sign with Barack's face. Especially in Accra- you can't go 40 feet without seeing a bilboard. I saw african cloths with Barack's face on it- even cookies named after him.

This picture is just an example of an average store in Ghana. No matter what kind of store it it, 99% of the time the name of the store has something to do with Jesus or Christianity. Like Psalm 4:22 auto parts.

drumming away at Dagbe
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